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Importance of Family Conversations

My mom is a teacher and she is superb in her work. I love the times of our conversations even if I'm not her student i learned so much from her. She's a management professor, her subjects run from different types of management and basic marketing.

I really love to talk to her so i keep on reading the essays of her students or the books that she will be discussing the next day. As for one instance, she ask me "do you agree with the statement that communication changes with the development and utilization of technologies? Discuss" Well i told her yes i agree because the type of communications before just like a telephone, fax, the telegraph, telegram as well as letter writings gave a hard time for people to deliver documents, there are few residences who have telephones and you need to pay for it, etc... while today there is a mobile phone, laptop, PDA, and Tablet computer that features electronic mails or e-mails, instant messengers from Yahoo, Google, Aim and a lot more, as well as the web camera or webcam. I told her, Mom these features are so easy to use for business managers or individuals to communicate face to face even if they are in a distant land through webcam or instant messengers.  Talks like that are so precious to me because discussing things like that enhance my mind as well as my mom is grateful with my ideas.

Reading and comment about the article you've read with her becomes a fruitful conversation for hours, i just hope i can do that also with my older brother and deceased dad.

  1. Family is important and communicating with one another can really make you happy, learn so much from each ideas, opinions and principles too. I love my family, they mean so much to me if time can go back i would like to see the happiness of my whole family. There's no time machine that will let you go back in the past.
  2. You will be able to learn and be aware of the things you didn't know about them.
  3. Happiness comes from loving one another, so in your heart communication gives you happy thoughts and learn you to love them fully.

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