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Advantages of having a Close Family Relationship

Yesterday my nephew visit our house and was so happy telling my mom his grandmother that "I miss this place" because he was not able to go for about 3 months. We did a lot of things that really make us and him happy like playing cars, rolling the broken car's wheel outside and lastly reading a book with many stories. One of the stories is about an eagle, their difference with other birds, their courtship stage, and their family, the father and mother eagle participate in raising the baby eagle from childhood, training the baby eagle to fly and up to the time the baby eagle flies alone. I love the story and of course i love my nephew's curiosity seeing his eyes full of glow and keeps on asking me what's next as well as the words he didn't know like thorns, vultures and a lot more.

The eagle family teach us an important value of teamwork. Here are some advantages of having close family ties:

  1.  High self confidence - children having a close relationship with their parents more likely get a high self esteem or confidence. S/he can face everybody surrounding the house, school and a lot more. S/he can talk with a smile in face to the people surrounding him/her. Being at ease when s/he meet people.  
  2. Discipline is easily taught by parents to their children - you can easily observe your child's attitude being a hands on mom or dad and discipline him or her whenever he or she does a mistake. Being disciplined you can ensure that your child will become a morally upright person someday.
  3.  Communication is open to all parties - for example your child, s/he can talk easily with his or her parents whenever problems arise. As a family communication is essential not only for the couples but also for the children who loves getting stories from their mom and dad as well as let their problems be let out for a while.

How to Succeed on your Marriage Financial Issues

Live free of debt - it should be a rule that every month your debts are fully paid, never ever apply on a loan that you cannot guarantee to pay. It will usually be a quarrel between couples if you've got many debts and he or she will need to pay for it.

You need to keep those joint and separate bank accounts - as a couple you need to keep those investments, checking and saving accounts. However its also necessary to have your own credit card, bank and retirement accounts. This will be a key, mostly for a woman. To have your accounts will enable you for an established record for you, if things will turn bad. An electric and phone bill in your name will also be necessary. Independence financially.

You travel together - as a couple you travel for the purpose of business as well as spend or visit some time with your friends and family, it will be a key that as a couple that you allow once per week that its your travel date. You can spend your money in order to have a time for each other and share some experiences, which is really priceless. 

Positive Thinking for your Life's Well-Being

Nobody can prevent every negative emotions in our life and it will not be realistic if you think you'll be able or can. However those happiest individuals might somehow be aware of buffering this feelings by letting life's unavoidable tragedies to mess up the nice stuff. These people might be the healthy people too. There are proven theories that you'll develop your own physical well-being by varying the style you feel and think regarding your own life.

The advices on always keeping the optimistic view of life, if you'd like to become fit sounds too fuzzy and warm, yet its very unlikely. In fact, there are real evidences that proves your own attitude in life might be able to change your well-being and speed up the recovery in serious cases or ailments. There are positive attitudes, they are very helpful and mostly of these are hope, optimism as well as, feelings that you've got an effect in your life

Be Optimistic

Nobody really know why or how an optimistic attitude really helps a person to recover in sickness faster or in coping better if they're in a major type of disease - those diseases like AIDS, cardiovascular disease and cancer. But rising proofs suggest that the effects might be because of the power of the mind over your immune system. A person who is optimistic are knowledgeable of the negative things going all over this world. And simply decide on thinking positive about life.

An optimistic person generally got lesser stress, s/he recovers faster when s/he is sick. Thinking positively may be able to help in boosting your immune system as well as lower your stress level. If you keep on thinking those bad things about life it seems that you will be in so many stresses, the internal type of stress.

There are researchers who thought that being negative might stress out a person, boosting the damaging stress hormones level in the bloodstream. Obviously, it seems probable that to have an optimistic thinking towards life will make you take care of your own health. It's likely that you can attract more people to you as well as hold them - by itself might boost up your own health.

Importance of Family Conversations

My mom is a teacher and she is superb in her work. I love the times of our conversations even if I'm not her student i learned so much from her. She's a management professor, her subjects run from different types of management and basic marketing.

I really love to talk to her so i keep on reading the essays of her students or the books that she will be discussing the next day. As for one instance, she ask me "do you agree with the statement that communication changes with the development and utilization of technologies? Discuss" Well i told her yes i agree because the type of communications before just like a telephone, fax, the telegraph, telegram as well as letter writings gave a hard time for people to deliver documents, there are few residences who have telephones and you need to pay for it, etc... while today there is a mobile phone, laptop, PDA, and Tablet computer that features electronic mails or e-mails, instant messengers from Yahoo, Google, Aim and a lot more, as well as the web camera or webcam. I told her, Mom these features are so easy to use for business managers or individuals to communicate face to face even if they are in a distant land through webcam or instant messengers.  Talks like that are so precious to me because discussing things like that enhance my mind as well as my mom is grateful with my ideas.

Reading and comment about the article you've read with her becomes a fruitful conversation for hours, i just hope i can do that also with my older brother and deceased dad.

  1. Family is important and communicating with one another can really make you happy, learn so much from each ideas, opinions and principles too. I love my family, they mean so much to me if time can go back i would like to see the happiness of my whole family. There's no time machine that will let you go back in the past.
  2. You will be able to learn and be aware of the things you didn't know about them.
  3. Happiness comes from loving one another, so in your heart communication gives you happy thoughts and learn you to love them fully.

Bring Up Your Child to be Morally Upright

There are parents, which includes single parents, they raise a morally upright, disciplined children successfully entering the adult stage wherein parents fear most often. Why does these families became successful while there are few percentages in the population around the globe that are failures in marriages and in children raising?

What kind of raising did these parents  do for their child? And the important thing is, how will you help in assisting your child for this travel to maturity? Every children needs a mother and father by their side, God is revealing that He's aiming for parents to stay married with one another forever, and there are a lot of researches that proves a child with those type of union are better off than a child who grow up in a house with only one parent.

So how will you bring up a morally upright child?

  1.  As parents our samples at home really influence them - a child is quick in noticing discrepancies, for example, a child must not keep on playing until midnight its important for them to sleep early. It will become different when a child see they're parents who keep on sleeping at around 1 or 1:30 am already.
  2. Quality bonding time with their mother or father - talking with their mom or dad reveals they're thoughts and let them ask for advices. A smart parent must do everything to hear out their child's thoughts and they need to respond with love.
  3. Parents discipline their child through encouragement - discipline and punishment are different, there are people who assume this is similar. Discipline simply trains your child to be correct, in order to perfect and shape their moral traits and mental faculties. There are discipline who also include punishment, they are tools for disciplining that can be used for training a child. Further more, discipline includes both corrective and encouraging elements.

What is the Importance of Family Life

People are considered successful if s/he have a very happy family. Family, it is essential to everybody in this world. There's a quoted saying that "Your family is not the one whose blood run through your veins. It's only the people who cares about you and you cares about them too." Every person got a unique and different family within his or her heart. The deep responsibility that a family play, its communication as well as the support will be the main cause as to why a family is important.

Do you ponder as to why you are so lucky? There are people in this world who believed that talents and successes in life are the reasons they're so lucky. But, i do believe that to have a family that i can call my own and they keep on supporting me is the reason of luck in my life.

I read from a book of fables that Eagles are birds who participates in raising their family, which means the mother and father help each other in protecting their young one's, love and train them in the end when they saw their child fit for fly training. It's nice to see this family attaining their objectives and dreams, because as family each one has responsibility and roles and they live to it. As for people like us we have a home where love abides and you can kiss someone goodnight or meaning, you can ask for advice when you've got problems and the next day there's peace in your heart. They support as well as care a lot even if I'm already an adult, help in reaching my aims that I've planned, emphasizes my talents even if I know or not I've got talents.

In all odds and ifs a family is there even if you've got deficiencies, even if people bullied, intimidate and/or frightened you, they will still be around and love you. A family doesn't stop to believe with you and your talents. Your family's love strengthen you in facing your toughest battles. Help in knowing how you can write, read and learn many things.

As a family they'll be supporting messages like this:

1. You are doing great! Just keep it up but you can do better.
2. Never Quit!
3. Do what you think is right, but think more than 10x.
4. Consult friends, family or someone you feel comfortable. I can be a good friend too :)
5. Be happy! You deserve it.
6. Build up your core strength.
7. Love yourself.
8. Take good care of your health
9. Keep it up! Keep going! You'll make it good someday.
10. Pray! Don't stop praying with your heart.
