- Acupressure - using massage in certain target points around the body at the surface of your skin, helping to relieve tension and stress. At some time of my life when I've got some headache i am massaging the area where my head is hurting and my head feels calmer.
- Lavender, Mango or Lemon - sniffing these three would make you feel a lot more relieve. They are containing linalool altering the brain chemistry as well as lowering stress levels.
- Gum - to chew gum can raise your alertness, it quells your anxiety, as well as lower the stress level. Might as well opt to the sugar free gum.
- A quiet period - you need to sit quietly in an area and then meditate. Relax a bit your shoulder and your arms. Start with the toes, relax every muscles at every turn, breath slowly then deeply. You need to be sure that you have at least 5 minutes daily to do this.
Effective Ways to Reduce Stress
We are aware that to sip tea, get on a foot spa or pedicure, as well as indulge in whole body massaging will be able to do wonders for the stressed body. Here are some things you'll be able to use in order to drop the levels of stress:
Treasure Quality Time with your Family
Money surely will not buy love, however can money buy you happiness? There's a global survey that say's more than 140,000 people across 130 nations that vote yes as well as no. Your big paycheck will not encourage your daily pleasures. All over the world, people who enjoys life are strongly linked to psychological prosperity and not the financial aspects.
Below are some of tips to juggle different time plan and to spend time with your family:
Below are some of tips to juggle different time plan and to spend time with your family:
- Make a time during the night for your family - There's a simple solution and will create a memory that will last forever. Even if its only watching movie, eat pizza, play an online game or family walking at night will design some time together. Talk with one another and relax. There might be some surprising things that you'll learn from your children.
- Enjoy as well as get in touch with the friends of your child - Letting your child's friends visit in your area will give you an insight of the interests as well as the things that inspires your child and understand the group that he or she associates with. You must not forget there are experts that playing time as well as social interaction is excellent for development of children.
- Your children must decide his or her pastime habits - there are many parents who sign up for their children's activities and the child is not really interested in that activity at all, so they face some conflicts then struggle in the end. There's another problem if your kid constantly plead for a certain activity and suddenly he/she will quit, however a child even in a young age will develop interests as well as dreams they'll want in the future.
- Be sure on the participation if your making choices - there are lots of activities that emphasize additional time and practice demands in this world's competitiveness. Being a parent you need to choose if a specific activity will be appropriate to your own child. There are alternatives with a time pressed family, signing up children a selected season versus the recreation association, the pee wee cheerleading squad rather than the all year round team.
- Decide the activity that your child will participate into - when your child told you that there's an activity he/she though is fun, make sure you don't commit her/him in one whole year. It might not only present a conflict afterwards, but also infringe his or her friends to participate too. If the child really love it, you might as well search something about it soon.
The Time Savers for Kitchen Chores
Organizing the Kitchen
1. Group the activities taking place in your kitchen. Place every baking equipments at a certain place, every cooking equipments in another area. It makes all pulling and placing of the baking and cooking equipments easier.
2. You need to finish your day with a clean sink at the kitchen. You need to wash the dishes before you sleep.
3. The grease cutter or the sponge really is an excellent way in spreading germs. Make use of a paper towel, throw them after you clean every areas in order to stop any contamination.
4. In order to clean a burned pan, put some soap as well as water. You will boil it, and then the water be liquify at the pan. The food in the burned pan will remove easily .
5. Place some lime or lemon pieces in the garbage can in quite a while to have a fresh natural smell. In order to refresh your garbage can might as well sprinkle a tablespoon of soda at the drain. Then drop 2 cubes of ice and then turn that. Run some hot water in 10-15 minutes before the disposal works.
The Excellent Way on How to Clean the Range or Extractor Hood
1. Shut down the hoods power ( you won't accidentally open that fan when you are cleaning); transfer the filters as instructed in the range manual.
2. Clean the metal opening filter at your sink, or just directed. Substitute the charcoal filter ( it helps in reducing odors; your manual will be telling you if charcoal filter is around.)
3. Wash the surface, which includes the fan blade as well as the range's control panel, by a sponge or grease cleaner. Wash lightly with wet cloth; let it dry.
4. Lastly, clean the bulb (when displayed) of a wet cloth, which is warm then let it dry. Substitute the filter metal then bring back the power.
Versus the,
It's Excellent Enough for Range Hood
1. You are not aware where is the range manual, as well as the circuit breaker that range hood is connected to? You might as well save this range hood cleaning later. Remove those large filter (its the portion that becomes the gunkiest) then swish at the sink full of warm water as well as soap. Wash and then let it dry.
2. Soak a dry cloth and/or sponge in a soapy solution then wash the surface outside.
3. Wash all filters and outside things once more by wiping it of a sponge or cloth in a clear water. When it's really dry, replace it of the mesh filter.
What's the Meaning of Success?

However, what is the common factor in all these? Well they involve feelings. The feelings are comprised of anxiety, free from worries, self respect, peace of mind, love, joy, happiness, and being positive.
A successful life would not only mean to attain material, monetary and/or financial plans but to also have the above mentioned feelings. The generation nowadays made the term success similar to the tangible things or materials that seem to forgot one last thing: the core of being successful is that feeling of positivity that comes with achievement and accomplishment. Success in terms of lifestyle is not only a matter of "Mom get me an IPod next week, I am the only one left in the class without it" It must be for long term happiness with your family, yourself and true friends too.
Simple lifestyle yet it can be satisfying in the long run. Here are some success for some, just take a look:
For a child, it means be able to get an award after a hard work of first letter writing, to shoot his basketball in the ring, getting friends who stays behind every time, family bonding time, etc.
A teenager, success means an award for excellence in academics or sports she or he belongs, being greeted by his or her crush a Happy Birthday, a party held by his or her family for a simple achievement done and a lot more.
Then as a family, parents love to define success after raising their child to be a good citizen of the nation as well as disciplined in terms of time management, goals and listening to their reprimands even if they are big enough and most of the adults do not listen anymore.
The Simple Filipino Family Lifestyle

There's a message that says "Live A Simple Life" It's a simple quote yet meaningful for every family. Living in such a simple way is indeed a happy one you know why? Because in every simple and little thing we do can define the true essence of "happiness." It may sound "corny" for some people. But the reality nowadays i realized that living a happy life is more important than living a perfect life. The simple family lifestyle gives you a choice on how you live life to the fullest.
During my cousin's childhood years she play an old or native Filipino game like the Patentero, this is a game commonly played during the night most especially in full moon, at the midst of a windy and peaceful evening, you'll be able to hear screams of children's voices, its tiring but this game really is fun. There are times that her mother, father as well as brother and sister travel together having a family bonding, they play, eat and have fun with each other. A family state of life won't hinder anybody to be deprive of being happy. They'll be playing as a family in the large area rice field to play volleyball and in a rainy day. Do you know that it's funnier than in the usual volleyball court or in the beach type of volleyball, you'll never be able to measure the happiness as well as the challenge it brings. The challenge will be in getting rid of mud. This type of family lifestyle gives you the feeling of satisfaction.
Try to experience new things because life is to short live life to the fullest and simple family lifestyle brings you experience you'll never ever forget.
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